Living Life To Its Fullest
When was the last time you lived life to the fullest? What exactly does it mean to live life to the fullest?
Have you ever felt like others don’t understand your sufferings when they seem to be living a happy life? You’re not alone in feeling this way, but the truth is that happiness takes hard work, patience and learning how to live life to the fullest takes dedication and practice.
Life is short, and we only live once. Learning to live life to the fullest is an important step in making the most of every day. Don’t sit by waiting for your life to happen. It’s an easy trap to fall into when we believe that situations aren’t perfect or it’s just not the right time. There is no better day than the present. You and I were not promised tomorrow. Today is what we have and you, friend, were called to live your life to the fullest.
You are your biggest enemy. That voice in your head, the one telling you not to go for your dreams or live your best life, that is fear. Fear today will quickly become regret tomorrow. Instead of letting the fear win, embrace the fullness of God’s love today. How? You go out and love those around you in big ways. Start by spreading kindness and giving away hope. Live a life worth living: one that at the end you will look back on with joy.
See, living life to the fullest is not about being “young and crazy”. It is not about having the weirdest stories, and it is not even about jumping off random cliffs. You live life to the fullest when you do life with the One who breathed life into you.
To Live Life to the Fullest, You Must Put God First
To live your life to the fullest, you start one day at a time. You wake up each morning and you make a commitment to follow Jesus Christ throughout your day. Here’s the thing. We often get stuck in our heads thinking that God is against us and not for us. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you say yes to Jesus over and over again, you have peace with God and you have peace in the moment. God is a relational God and wants good for you. When you find peace with God you will also find peace with yourself and peace with others.
When you say “yes” to Jesus, and “no” to the world, you begin the most beautiful relationship. When you wake up each morning and ask God how He can use you for His glory, instead of trying to bring glory to yourself, you find joy that cannot be contained.